Title I funds are provided to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. The Goal of Title I is to improve the teaching and learning of children in high-poverty schools by providing funds to implement school reforms.

How does Title 1 assist and support schools?

  • Additional Teachers, Paraprofessionals & Programs to Support/Supplement the CORE Curriculum
  • Opportunities for Professional Development
  • Supplementary Teaching Materials
  • Technical Support for Instruction

How do you become a Title I school?

Funding is provided to each State from the Federal Government. The state educational agencies divide the money among the school districts throughout the state. The amount of money that each individual school receives is determined by the number of high poverty students attending that school. Schools use free/reduced lunch data to determine the percentage. However, a student does not have to be on free/reduced lunch to receive Title 1 services.

  • Administration
  • English Learners
  • Instructional Programs
  • McKinney-Vento Homeless Program
  • Non-Public Equitable Services
  • Parent and Family Engagement - District-Level
  • Parent and Family Engagement - School-Level
  • PreSchool
  • Professional Development
  • School-Wide Programs