Homeless Coordinator picture- Amy Volentine
The Avoyelles Parish Homeless Children/Youth Education Program is based on the philosophy that education is the key to overcome and prevent the cycle of homelessness in families. Program activities are based on educational principles and have the common purpose of contributing to the positive physical, emotional, social, and academic growth of each child whose life we touch.

The main components of our project are awareness, enrollment assistance, provision of educational materials, coordination of school and community services and resources. Our program is funded through the Stewart B. McKinney Assistance Grant and Title I. 
Based on the definition of homelessness developed under the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act:
A homeless individual is one who:
- does not have a fixed, regular, and adequate residence
- has a primary night-time residence in a supervised public or privately owned shelter
- is temporarily staying with relatives of friends because of loss of job, other income loss, house loss
- is staying in a motel, hotel, campground or similar setting due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations
It is the desire of the district to ensure that homeless children have access to a free and appropriate education comparable to the education of children who are non-homeless. 
To complete a student residency questionnaire or to obtain more information, please contact a counselor at any school or Amy Volentine, Homeless Liaison, at 318-240-0254.

The primary goal of the Avoyelles Parish Schools' McKinney-Vento Homeless Program is to ensure homeless/transitional students stay in school by removing barriers to attendance.

This is done by the following:

  • Providing school supplies/backpacks
  • Providing school uniforms
  • Providing after school tutoring
  • Payment of school fees
  • Documentation (birth certificates, immunization records, etc.)
  • Referral to community resources for student and their families
  • Free lunch
  • Transportation
  • Case Management

A student without a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence is homeless. The definition does not change whether the student is living with a parent or is separated from parents. Under the McKinney-Vento Act, a student is homeless if he/she has a primary residence that is any of the following:

  • Families doubled-up with friends or family, this includes families in which children and parents are in separate places
  • Hotels or motels
  • Families/individuals living in parks or camping areas
  • Shelter/transitional living (i.e. disaster, domestic violence, homeless)
  • Displaced due to natural disaster, lack of financial resources, etc.
  • Vehicles or on the street
  • Runaway or throwaway teens; abandoned children
  • Families residing in sub-standard housing in need of great repair or with no utilities (i.e. running water, electricity)

    McKinney-Vento Homeless Program
    Title I
    Title II